Unplanned Pregnancy Support For Men 

ABC Women's Clinic provides support for men facing unplanned pregnancies in Dublin, Georgia.

If she has just informed you that she thinks she might be pregnant, you could be grappling with a range of emotions that you may not want or feel ready to confront. That's precisely why we're here to help.

Before talking too much into the future, confirm your partner’s pregnancy results. Make sure she's pregnant before making any decisions or rushing to conclusions. Get the answers you need today.


No cost. No age restriction. 100% confidential.

Unplanned Pregnancy Services 

When you step into our center, expect a warm and welcoming atmosphere. At our center, judgment has no place, and you will always find an environment that embraces you without reservations. Our primary goal is to equip you with the information you need regarding unplanned pregnancy and your role in this situation.

Your thoughts and feelings matter to us. We understand the significance of your experience, and that's why we have dedicated volunteers ready to listen, answer your questions, and engage in meaningful conversations with you. Whether you choose to visit alone or accompany your partner, know that you're in a safe space.

One crucial step is to confirm the pregnancy. Even if a home test shows a positive result, our center provides free urine pregnancy tests. If the test confirms the pregnancy, our staff will guide you through the next steps, including scheduling an ultrasound exam. An ultrasound can provide essential answers to three major questions:

  • Is the pregnancy located in the uterus?
  • How far along is she?
  • Is there a fetal heartbeat?

Regardless of the options you both may be considering, this information is crucial. Contact us to learn more about our free pregnancy test and confirmation services.

Book An Appointment


Question? Let's Chat. 

Our staff is ready to assist you. Get answers to your questions, learn about our free services, and discover how we can help. 

Call (478) 772-6775 or (478) 275-9500

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